Thursday, May 30, 2024

Rescinding Huang Kuo-Chang the 2015 NATPA Professor Liao ST Memorial Award

NATPA Statement 

Rescinding Huang Kuo-Chang the 2015 NATPA Professor Liao ST Memorial Award 


North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA) was founded with the goal of caring for Taiwan’s democracy and welfare. We value Taiwan’s vibrant democracy, which includes strong freedoms of speech, press, and assembly.


A decade ago, in 2014, legislators of the ruling party attempted to unilaterally force the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement to a vote without following agreed-upon democratic procedures. The Sunflower Movement was born, and Huang Kuo-Chang was one of the leaders of that movement. Therefore, Huang was chosen to be one of the 2015 Professor Liao ST Memorial Award recipients issued by NATPA.  


Now, in 2024, Huang Kuo-Chang is now acting in a manner completely opposite to what he did a decade ago–not only is he advocating legislation which could severely undermine Taiwan’s democracy, but also he is doing so in a way that completely disrespects the democratic processes NATPA holds dear.


NATPA strongly condemns Huang Kuo-Chang’s current actions. Any healthy democracy welcomes debate and reform; however, as a public figure, Huang Kuo-Chang should uphold Taiwan’s democratic processes. For these reasons, the Board of the North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA) decided to rescind the Professor Liao ST Memorial Award awarded to Huang Kuo-Chang in 2015 as he is no longer representing the value vested in Professor Liao ST Memorial Award.


Board of Directors of NATPA 




2015年北美洲台灣人教授協會(NATPA)以黃國昌先生是「2014年太陽花學運」的精神領袖之一,因此頒予黃國昌先生第一屆「NATPA廖述宗教授紀念獎」。然而在2024年的今天,黃先生的種種行為,一而再再而三的不尊重台灣人民辛苦建構經營的民主體制與程序,持續做出嚴重破壞台灣民主的行為,蔑視民主價值。我們強烈譴責黃先生當前的行為,也不願黃先生繼續以廖述宗紀念獎得獎者的身分破壞台灣的民主。NATPA理事會基於上述原因一致決定撤銷頒發給黃先生的NATPA 廖述宗教授紀念獎,因為他不再代表該獎項所賦予的價值理念。謹此公告。





  1. Well done! Cannot agree with you more! He deserved it.

  2. Who give a shit, ur corrupt and under the DPP payroll
