- Tsai Ing-wen: A woman for Taiwan's time
- 疫情+地緣政治 引發混亂與重整 高利率政策壓得住通膨巨獸?
- 周鉅原/美國大選前台灣應有的經貿戰略
- The Kinmen and Matsu challenge
- 反質詢的定義
- 自由開講》反質詢的定義是什麼?
- Saluting the patriots who fought for us all
- 從美國貿易變化淺論全球經濟重組
- 到底什麼是保護費?
- Some questions for the ‘naive’ Ma
- 誰將取代拜登?
- 副/福」業回顧11-戰前歐美醫師與醫學教育1-開始時的學徒制
- The policies used in an intelligent economy
- 周鉅原/川普 2.0下的經濟政策及其對台灣的影響
- 副/福」業回顧12-戰前歐美醫師與醫學教育2- Sin-Thé-Lí白話字書
- BOOK: Taiwan's Miracle Development: Its Economy over a Century
- 葉耀元:捲入政治獻金醜聞後,柯文哲、民眾黨及「真小草」的未來
- 自由開講》如果再來一次的話
North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association
NATPA 北美洲台灣人教授協會
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Members' Publications/Interviews in July-August 2024
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Rescinding Huang Kuo-Chang the 2015 NATPA Professor Liao ST Memorial Award
NATPA Statement
Rescinding Huang Kuo-Chang the 2015 NATPA Professor Liao ST Memorial Award
North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA) was founded with the goal of caring for Taiwan’s democracy and welfare. We value Taiwan’s vibrant democracy, which includes strong freedoms of speech, press, and assembly.
A decade ago, in 2014, legislators of the ruling party attempted to unilaterally force the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement to a vote without following agreed-upon democratic procedures. The Sunflower Movement was born, and Huang Kuo-Chang was one of the leaders of that movement. Therefore, Huang was chosen to be one of the 2015 Professor Liao ST Memorial Award recipients issued by NATPA.
Now, in 2024, Huang Kuo-Chang is now acting in a manner completely opposite to what he did a decade ago–not only is he advocating legislation which could severely undermine Taiwan’s democracy, but also he is doing so in a way that completely disrespects the democratic processes NATPA holds dear.
NATPA strongly condemns Huang Kuo-Chang’s current actions. Any healthy democracy welcomes debate and reform; however, as a public figure, Huang Kuo-Chang should uphold Taiwan’s democratic processes. For these reasons, the Board of the North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA) decided to rescind the Professor Liao ST Memorial Award awarded to Huang Kuo-Chang in 2015 as he is no longer representing the value vested in Professor Liao ST Memorial Award.
Board of Directors of NATPA
Saturday, April 27, 2024
2024年第10屆「NATPA 廖述宗教授研究獎」得獎名單公佈
Thursday, April 25, 2024
2024年第10屆「NATPA 廖述宗教授紀念獎」得獎名單公佈
2024年第10屆「NATPA 廖述宗教授紀念獎」
林衡哲 (本名林哲雄) 「長期貢獻奬」:肯定長期耕耘並對台灣
美國台灣觀測站 US Taiwan Watch「青年貢獻奨」:肯定有濳力為臺灣做出重大貢獻。是美
召集人 黃界清
附件一: 2024年第10屆「NATPA廖述宗教授紀念奬」公告
附件三: 美國台灣觀測站 US Taiwan Watch簡介
美國台灣觀測站 US Taiwan Watch簡介
『美國台灣觀測站』是美國聯邦註冊的501(c)3 非營利組織
這個全志⼯的年輕組織,成員橫跨台美各地,⼤多是40 歲以下年
他們於2021 年由聯經出版社出版了⼀本『
2022 年Podcast 達到100 萬次下載,
「NATPA 廖述宗教授紀念獎」肯定『美國台灣觀測站』維護台
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Sunday, February 4, 2024
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Members' Publications/Interviews in November-December, 2023
- Joe Biden Must Use Summit with China to Ease Taiwan's Fears
- 【全球政經周報】台灣男女平等全球第7贏日韓!但薪資差距是?全球連26年墊底竟是這國
- 量產 COVID #快篩 的跌宕起伏 (Podcast)
- 問題不是有人「仇恨川普」— 覆壇友信
- 新冷戰無可避!拜習會沒改變美中結構性競爭 台海和平穩定是美核心利益
- 葉耀元:一開始就註定破局,台灣大選不可能的「藍白合」
- Are US think tanks overreaching?
- 「副/福」業回顧3-探討馬偕的生涯、影響及貢獻 -1
- The Song Dynasty, war and peace
- 【全球政經周報】明年降息3碼有變?驚!這張圖曝8位官員認為太多 不用等經濟衰退!降息時點哪月?
- 自由開講》 為何2024三票都給民進黨?
- 自由廣場》一隻畫筆的力量 - 自由評論網
- 自由開講》政治不難,公平就好
- 穆迪連環三擊 中國經濟撐得住嗎?
- 華爾街金融機構 逐步退出中國市場