Sunday, April 30, 2023

2023年第9屆「NATPA 廖述宗教授研究獎」得獎名單公佈


NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Research Award

2023 Recipients:


Dr. Yun-Wen Chan (詹允文)
Mr. Yu-Chi Chen (陳昱齊)
Ms. Pin-Yi Li (李品儀)
Dr. Ting-Lan Ma (馬鼎嵐)
Mr. Lungta Wei (魏龍達)

Dr. Yun-Wen Chan received her BA and M.Ed from National Chung Cheng University of Taiwan and her PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison. She currently serves as an assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Texas State University. Her proposed research topic is “Making sense of place as political entity: Democratic deliberations of sustainability challenges in Taiwan”.


Mr. Yu-Chi Chen received his BA from National Taiwan University and his MA from National Chengchi University.  He is currently a PhD candidate in the Graduate Institute of Taiwan History, National Chengchi University.  His proposed research topic is “A Study of the Review Process for Political Cases during the White Terror Period in Taiwan (1949-1975)”. Mr. Chen was a recipient of this award in 2022.


Ms. Pin-Yi Li received her BA and MA from National Taiwan University. Since matriculation in University of Wisconsin-Madison, she has received a Master’s in Anthropology and is currently a PhD candidate.  Her research topic is “Imagining Taiwan in the Museums: Contemporary Taiwan's National Museums' Construction of National Identity”.


Dr. Ting-Lan Ma received her BA from National Changhua University of Education of Taiwan, MS and PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison.  She currently serves as an assistant professor in Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD. Her research topic is “Taiwanese International Medical Graduates: How they thrive in the changing social and political U.S. landscape”.


Mr. Lungta Wei received his bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Soochow University of Taiwan. He is currently a PhD candidate in sociology at National Taiwan University.  His research topic is: “Colonial Origins of Authoritarianism: Japanese Colonialism, Decolonization Violence, and State-Society Relations in Postwar Taiwan and Korea.".



Dr. Yun-Wen Chan (詹允文)

Mr. Yu-Chi Chen (陳昱齊)

Ms. Pin-Yi Li (李品儀)

Dr. Ting-Lan Ma (馬鼎嵐)

Mr. Lungta Wei (魏龍達)

詹允文博士於台灣國立中正大學獲得教育學士和碩士學位,並在美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校 (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 獲得博士學位。 她目前在德州州立大學 (Texas State University) 的課程與教學系擔任助理教授。 她提案的研究計劃為「地方為政治實體:民主慎思永續挑戰在台灣」。

陳昱齊先生於國立台灣大學獲得學士學位,並於國立政治大學獲得碩士學位。 現為國立政治大學台灣史研究所博士班的研究生。 他提案的研究計劃是「台灣白色恐怖政治案件核覆過程之研究 (1949-1975)」。  陳先生也是本獎項2022年的獲獎者。

李品儀小姐於國立台灣大學獲得學士和碩士學位。 自入學威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校 (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 之後,她已獲得人類學碩士學位,目前正在攻讀博士學位。 提案的研究計劃是「在博物館想像臺灣:當代臺灣國家博物館的國家認同建構」。

馬鼎嵐博士於國立彰化教育大學獲得學士學位,並在美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校 (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 獲得碩士和博士學位。 她目前擔任美國聯邦軍醫大學 (Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences) 的助理教授。 她提案的研究計劃是「台籍醫學畢業生在美就業的心理歷程、微歧視與挑戰、及醫學教育之多元脈絡的建構」。

魏龍達先生於台灣東吳大學獲得學士和碩士學位。 目前他在台灣大學攻讀社會學的博士。 他提案的研究計劃是「威權制度的殖民起源: 日本殖民主義、去殖民暴力、與戰後台韓的國家與社會關係」。


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