Monday, July 11, 2022



1980年に設立され、米国とカナダの大学教授等の学術研究者で構成される北米台湾教授会(North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association; NATPA)は、安倍晋三元首相暗殺の悲報に衝撃を感じ、安倍氏の家族日本国民に深い哀悼の意を示します。安倍氏の遺業は永遠に我々の記憶に残り日本およびその他の国々のリーダーの不動の規範となったものと確信します。

安倍首相は、全ての物事を卓越した見識と知恵をもって勇敢に立ち向った類希な政治家であり日本を率いて世界の繁栄と自由に貢献をしました。 2006年の首相就任以来、安倍氏は独裁主義に抵抗する立場を明確に示し、独裁主義による人権侵略を阻止し続けてきた比類無き政治家でもあります。彼は、インド太平洋地域において、自由で開かれた経済および政治を促進すべく、強固な民主主義同盟国の連携を礎に革新的な日米豪印戦略対話の土台を築きしました。米国や台湾を含む日本の民主主義パートナーに対する強靭な支援は、彼の信念である善と安全の世界享受の明示でもありました。




NATPA 聲明:安倍晉三首相的政治遺產


日本前首相安倍晉三不幸遇刺,北美洲臺灣人教授協會(NATPA)對安倍先生的遭難身故,在此表達我們的震驚和悲痛,並且嚴重譴責這暴力野蠻的行徑 。對於安倍先生的家人和日本朋友, 表示我們的最誠摯慰問。安倍前首相的逝世, 為世界所有愛好和平的人們巨大損失, 他的從政生涯留下許多令人難忘的事蹟,為日本和世界其他地區的未來領導人樹立了一個崇高標準。

安倍首相是一位具有遠見、智慧和領導勇氣的政治家,他帶領日本為世界的繁榮和自由做出更大地貢獻。安倍先生自2006年第一個任期以來, 一反當時國際普遍對獨裁政權姑息的潮流,他的護民主自由的堅定立場,成為全球捍衛人權免受專制侵略的先驅。他發起了日本與其盟國之間的四邊安全對話,建立印太區域民主國家之間創新和強大的合作關係, 並在此基礎上促進經濟和政治自由。他對包括美國和台灣在內的日本民主盟友誠摯的承諾以及更深廣的持, 促進了維護世界安全及共同利益的目標。

安倍先生以明智果決的領導,恢復了日本國民的自信心,並為經濟注入了活力,實現了永續發展的可能性。例如 2006 年首任首相期間的政策,結束日本長達二十年的經濟停滯不前的頹勢,2012 年他重返首相職位, 擬定執行棘手的東北地震和海嘯及其衍生的災難的後續社會經濟上的應對重建,以及籌辦 2020 年東京奧運會。安倍首相總是在他的國家面臨困難的黑暗時刻,挺身擔負領袖責任。而他的財政政策、創新政策、和投資政策,更是為面臨挑戰時的國家治理,提供了世界各國寶貴的範例。

安倍首相留下了許多非凡的政治遺產。在他破日本戰後歷史紀錄的長期服務期間,安倍首相以他的領導及個人魅力,引領日本以具有高度創新能力的世界公民身份, 重返世界舞台,通過承擔更多符合普世價值的責任, 贏得世人的尊重。台灣和美國人民將永遠銘記安倍首相的真摯友誼,他的貢獻將被世界所有愛好和平的人類永遠珍惜在心中。

Saturday, July 9, 2022

NATPA Statement for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe


The North American Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA), founded in 1980 and consisting of college professors and professionals in the United States and Canada, expresses shock and sadness at the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and extends sincere condolences to Mr. Abe’s family and our Japanese friends for this great loss to all peace-loving people.  His memorable career with distinguished heritages has set a great standard for leaders in Japan and the rest of the world in the future. 


Prime Minister Abe was a statesman of vision, wisdom, and courage; he had led his country to contribute to the prosperity and freedom of the world. The firm position resisting dictatorship since his first term in 2006 had made Mr. Abe the pioneer who defended human rights against autocratic aggressions in the world. He initiated the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between Japan and her allies, in the Indo-Pacific region, building on the innovative and robust relations among democracies to promote economic and political liberties. His warm support to Japan’s democratic allies, including the U.S. and Taiwan, shows his goal of maintaining the common good and security of the world. 


Prime Minister Abe’s decisive leadership was also evident in the hosting of the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, which restored the confidence in the Japanese people, and the energized economy that ended the two-decade-long economic slump with sustainable growth in Japan. He emerged as a great leader facing countless challenges in his nation and the world.


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has left a remarkable legacy. During his history-breaking-long service, his leadership has made Japan return to the global stage as an innovative world citizen, earning respect by taking more responsibility to promote universal values. His sincere and warm friendship with the people of Taiwan and the United States will be long remembered and perpetually cherished.