Tuesday, October 12, 2021

NATPA 廖述宗教授研究獎歷屆得獎者名單



張庭寧教授的研究主題為: 「蔡英文:一位台灣民主的領導者」;探討蔡博士這位白手起家政治人物的生涯和政治理念,也是現任民進黨黨主席以及2012年和2016年的總統候選人。

彭琳淞先生的研究課題是:「為誰而戰? 二戰結束前後台灣人日軍、國軍與解放軍之研究」; 試圖透過二戰結束前後,此時代背景下出現於不同戰場上這些台灣子弟戰士們的生命歷程,以呈現台灣人特殊的歷史處境。 




Ms. Yun-Wen Chan (詹允文) is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. Her research project is about “Engaging Taiwanese Youth in Controversial Environmental Issues Discussions”. She is interested in exploring how middle school students conceptualize their roles as environmental citizens at different learning stages.  

Ms. Jasmine Yu-Hsing Chen  (陳幼馨) is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. The title of her research project is “Traditional Opera in Film: Changes in Sense of ‘Homeland’ and National Identity from Huangmeidiao Films to Taiwan New Cinema”. 

Dr. Han-Jung Ko (柯涵容) is an Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies (Speciality: Gerontology) in the Department of Human Environmental Studies, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. The title of her research project is “Making Sense of the Blacklist Experiences among Older Taiwanese Americans”. 

Mr. Jie Yu (余杰), a Chinese dissident with a Master’s degree in Chinese Literature from Beijing University who received political asylum from the United States in 2012, is a writer, historian, political commentator and human right activist. The title of his book project is “Taiwan Democratization Map Series, Volume IV”. 


張儀君博士 (Dr. I-Chun Catherine Chang) 於2015年自明尼蘇達州立大學明尼亞波利斯分校取得博士學位。她從2015年起在明尼蘇達州聖保羅麥卡萊斯特學院 (Macalester College) 擔任地理系助理教授。她的研究題目是《錢怎麼來?台灣智慧生態都市發展策略的資金結構與金融化》。 

施芳瓏博士(Dr. Fang-Long Shih)於2005年自英國倫敦政治經濟學院(London School of Economics and Political Science; LSE)獲得博士學位。2006年她於倫敦大學的亞非學院擔任主席開辦一系列的「倫敦台灣學術講座」。她並在2009年起,擔倫敦政經學院台灣研究計畫室主任。施博士還曾在LSE亞洲研究中心擔任研究員(2003-2015),並任教「比較觀點看臺灣」的課程(2009-2012年)。她的研究題目是《台灣白色恐怖的追求政治:在解嚴後的第三個十年,鹿窟事件該如何被放置在適當的地方去追憶?》。 



朱真一博士於國立台灣大學醫學院醫科畢業之後,在加州大學伯克萊分校獲得博士學位。在成為名譽教授之前,他曾在聖路易斯大學醫學院和SSM Health Cardinal Gelnnon兒童醫院服務31年。他的研究題目是「探討登革熱歷史,學術不端,利益衝突及客家台灣文化」。 




Mr. Chong-You Huang (黃崇祐) is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Civil Education and Leadership, College of Education, National Taiwan Normal University.  He received his bachelor’s degree in political science from the Chinese Culture University of Taiwan and his master’s degree from the Graduate Institute of National Development, College of Social Science, National Taiwan University. His research interest focuses on public policy. Mr. Huang’s research topic is “Transitional Justice Model of the Party Assets in Taiwan” (臺灣的黨產轉型正義模式). 

Dr. Yuru Hung (aka Ikujo Ko) (洪郁如) has served as Professor, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University, Japan since 2011.  Her research fields include Taiwan studies, Japan-Taiwan relationships, and Gender.  Dr. Hung received her bachelor’s degree in law from National Taiwan University and both her master’s degree and her Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo, Japan. Her research topic is “Oral History of the Pre-war Generation Taiwanese American” (戰前世代台灣人的戰後史:以台美人為中心). 

Ms. Ruo-Fan Liu (劉若凡) is a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at University of Wisconsin-Madison. She received both her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in sociology from National Taiwan University. Her research interests include sociology of education, higher education, inequality and life course, ethnography and mixed methods and East Asia studies. Her research topic is “Diverging Destinies: Score Ladders, College Choices, and Social Inequality in Taiwan.” (分歧的命運:學生升學策略、分數階梯與社會不平等). 


Ms. Szu-Chin Chih (池思親) received her BA from National Taiwan University, MPhil (Master of Philosophy) from Cambridge University and is a PhD candidate at UC San Diego. Ms. Chih’s research topic is “Shaping the Cultural Memory of Contemporary Taiwan: A Study of the Conservation, Restoration, and Exhibition of Taiwanese Paintings and Films” (當代台灣文化記憶重塑:臺灣繪畫與電影之保存、修復、展演研究).

Dr. Jen-Yih Chu (朱真一) received his MD from National Taiwan University and PhD from UC Berkeley. He is an Emeritus Professor of St. Louis University Medical School and one of the 2019 recipients of this award. His research topic is “Probing Academic Fraud and Promoting Taiwanese Culture” (探討學術不端及推廣台灣文化). 

Dr. Isabelle Cheng received her PhD in Politics and International Studies from University of London, UK and is a Senior Lecturer in East Asian and International Studies at School of Area Studies, History, Politics and Literature, University of Portsmouth. Her research topic is “Facing Up to Sustainable Development Goals in the Wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Migrant Workers, Women and Children in Taiwan and Beyond” (疫情下的永續發展目標:台灣與全球移工、女性及兒童的不平等處境). 

Ms. Li-Hsiang Huang (黃莉翔) received her Master of Music from Detmold University of Music, Germany and EMBA from the College of Management, National Taiwan University. She is the CEO of Taiwan Creative & Care Association and a part-time faculty member in the Department of Music, Soochow University, Taiwan. Her research topic is “Performing Arts Administration and Streaming after COVID-19” (探索疫情後表演藝術管理與串流趨勢新思維). 

Dr. Jason Lim (林捷勝) received his PhD in History & Asian Studies from the University of Western Australia. He is a Senior Lecturer in Asian History at School of Humanities & Social Inquiry, Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Wollongong, Australia. His research topic is "Taiwan and Emerging Southeast Countries: Relations with Malaysia, Singapore and South Vietnam, 1955-1975" (1955年至1975年臺灣與新興東南亞國家馬來西亞、新加坡與南越的外交關係). 

Dr. Chi-Ting Peng (彭琪庭) received her Ph.D. in modern US History from UC Santa Barbara and will soon join the Wilson Center of Washington D.C. as a Visiting Research Fellow. Her research topic is “Donald M. Fraser and Overseas Taiwanese Human Rights Advocacy Campaign in the United States in the 1970s” (美國國會眾議員 Donald M. Fraser與1970年代海外台灣人權倡議運動). 


陳冠銘 (Kuan-Ming Chen) 博士,台灣大學學士、芝加哥大學碩士及博士,現為美國麻州劍橋國家經濟研究所的博士後研究員。陳博士將於2022年8月1日起成為台灣大學經濟系的助理教授。他提出的研究題目是《臺灣高齡經濟安全網現況與人口結構轉變展望》。

陳昱齊 (Yu-Chi Chen) 先生,台灣大學學士,政治大學碩士,現為政治大學台灣史研究所的博士研究生。他提出的研究計劃為 《大法官解釋與白色恐怖政治案件》。

普麟 (Lin Pu) 先生,台灣政治大學學士,台灣大學碩士,目前在美國杜蘭大學政治學系攻讀博士。他的研究題目是《鎮壓與滲透: 臺灣白色恐怖時期的國民黨情治機關》。

曾齡儀 (Lin-Yi Tseng) 博士,國立台灣大學學士,日本東京大學碩士,紐約市立大學博士,現任台灣臺北醫學大學通識教育中心副教授。她的研究課題是《醫療的現代性: 近代台灣大稻埕的西醫發展史》。

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