Saturday, April 27, 2024

2024年第10屆「NATPA 廖述宗教授研究獎」得獎名單公佈


NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Research Award 2024 Recipients: 
第十屆2024 年NATPA廖述宗教授研究獎獲獎者公告 

Mr. Yen-Ting Hsu (許晏庭) 
Ms. Margaret Yun-Pu Tu (杜芸璞) 
Ms. Yi-Jung Wu (吳宜蓉) 

Mr. Yen-Ting Hsu is a Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology, University of California, San Diego. Hisproposed research topic is “How to Shape a City’s Character? The Urban Politics and Governance of Cultural Heritage in 21st-Century Taipei.” (城市性格如何形塑?二十一世紀臺北文化資產的都市政治與治理). 

Ms. Margaret Yun-Pu Tu (aka Nikal Kabala'an) is a Ph.D. Candidate in Law, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. Her proposed research topic is“Election for the Legislators and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples: Democracy and the Futurity.” (立委選舉與臺灣原住民族:民主與未來). 

Ms. Yi-jung Wu is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her proposed research topic is “Leadership Practices According to the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) in Taiwan’s Elementary Schools: A Mixed Method Study.” (學習領導力綜合評估之分布式領導實踐:以台灣小學為例之混合方法研究).

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