Thursday, May 26, 2022

Members' Publications in May 2022


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Taiwan's knocking on the WHO's door Campaign

"Taiwan's knocking on the WHO's door Campaign" was published in the Washington Times on May 24th, 2022. The ad appeared in the newspaper on page A3. 

There were 10 like-minded organizations joining the efforts and sharing the missions of this ad: 主要目的在於呼籲美國國會、行政部門、以及美國大眾,支持台灣取得 WHO 及其他國際組織「正式會員國」(full membership) 的資格,以期根本解決台灣長期被排擠於國際組織之外的不公不義之狀況。

Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA)
World Federation of Taiwanese Associations (WFTA)
North American Taiwanese Medical Association  (NATMA)
North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA)
European Federation of Taiwanese Associations (EFTA)
Taiwanese Association of America (TAA-USA)
World Taiwanese Congress (WTC)
Formosan Association for Public Relations (FAPR)
World United Formosans for Independence (WUFI-USA)
North America Taiwanese Women's Association (NATWA)

Please help spread the awareness. It did not happen this year at the WHA, but it will one day. Taiwan deserves a spot in WHO and not just an observer. 

Statement on “Laguna Woods Church Shooting" by NATPA


Statement on “Laguna Woods Church Shooting" by NATPA

The North American Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA), founded in 1980 and consisting of college professors and professionals in the United States and Canada, expresses serious concern regarding the church shooting that targeted a Taiwanese American congregation on May 15, 2022, in Laguna Wood, CA.  We call for peace and for attention to the hate crime imposed on innocent American citizens.

The NATPA condemns the spread of China’s agenda through violence inflicted on Taiwanese Americans.  According to Orange County Sheriff's Department, the gunman, a Chinese immigrant, was politically motivated by the hatred and violence messages promoted by the China Council for Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification (CCPPNR), an organization in which he serves as a leader of its Las Vegas Chapter. The head of its Beijing headquarter, Yang Wang, currently is ranked as the third most powerful out of the seven-member Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, the supreme group chaired by Xi Jinping. Wang also chairs the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.  According to its website, the CCPPR has had a long history of promoting propaganda that favors China by devastating the national interests of the United States and Taiwan.

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. John Cheng, a father of two teenagers and a devoted husband, who immediately charged the gunman during the shooting incident. It is particularly heartbreaking that Dr. Cheng's mother lost her husband and son within less than three months. Dr. John Cheng’s sacrificial love will be forever remembered.

The NATPA applauds the wisdom and courage of many Taiwanese Americans on the scene, reflecting the values and noble character of this great country.  The swift and shrewd response by many senior citizens and Rev. Billy Chang stopped the suspect and successfully prevented more deaths. The Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes said the gunman used chains to lock doors and tried to glue the locks shut. Additional ammunition and Molotov cocktail-like items were found in bags in the church. 

This shooting incident at a house of worship targeted not just one ethnic group but is a violation of American values that we always defend: freedom, democracy, and human rights. The NATPA calls for the following actions taken:

1.      For law enforcement: Investigate the activities of the China Council for Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification and its relationship with the Chinese Communist Party, to prevent politically motivated attacks on innocent people from happening again. 

2.     For lawmakers: Define threatening languages from China against Taiwan or Taiwanese groups and/or individuals by using forces, violence, and military power to promote China’s unification agenda as a hate crime.      

North American Taiwanese Professors' Association


Wednesday, May 18, 2022




在美國時間五月十五日,美國南加州橙縣(Orange County)拉古納伍茲(Laguna Woods)的一座台灣人為主的爾灣台灣基督長老教會發生槍擊事件,造成一人死亡,五人輕重傷。根據報導,嫌犯是一位68歲的居住於拉斯維加斯的David Wen-Wei Chou(周文偉)。

根據橙縣警長巴恩斯(Donald Barnes)在五月十六日美國時間中午舉行的記者會表示,周文偉在這起槍殺案是單獨行動的,而且他並非這間教堂的常客。巴恩斯說,周嫌的作案動機起因於「對中國和台灣之間的政治緊張局勢」感到憤怒不滿才犯下此案。犯嫌曾擔任拉斯維加斯中國和平統一促進會的理事。

北美洲台灣人教授協會譴責任何形式的暴力,而這類型針對台灣人的仇恨犯罪(Hate Crime),更是我們無法接受的結果並嚴加譴責的對象。任何兩岸政治的歧異,都應該透過和平理性的方式進行討論與溝通;我們呼籲這些對台灣國家未來抱持著不同想像的朋友,不要以暴力的形式來抒發自己的情緒,這不僅僅是會造成其他家庭永久的傷痛,更會面臨嚴重的法律制裁。

最後也透過這個聲明向這場槍擊案的犧牲者,台裔醫師鄭達志(Dr. John Cheng)致敬。鄭醫師勇敢的衝向嫌犯,讓其他在場的人有機會可以制服嫌犯。這樣的勇氣與犧牲,不是常人可以做得到的。當地警方將鄭醫師的英勇舉動,比擬為「善良與邪惡的對抗」 (good versus evil) ,並強調若沒有鄭醫師的捨己,恐怕會有更多死傷的人數。北美洲台灣人教授協會向鄭達志醫師的家屬表達我們最深的敬意,以及萬分的不捨和慰問之意。




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